WordPress Death

25 Jan 2015 | | wordpress

"Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb..."

Goodbye Wordpress

I think we all were first exposed to blogs via Wordpress. So many templates to choose from, and underneath the fact that everything was stored in a database(mySQL no less) made it seem like genius.

But the problem you come to realize, at least for me, is the constant SPAM. Each time you go into your admin, it just seems like that are dozens of messages with nothing but gibberish.

Or my favorite…“Your website is the best I have ever seen, but I can make it ever better!” Just on and on. I think I even PAID some entity to stop the spam…what a ripoff..they are probably sending it.

In addition to that was the speed. Seems in the old days WP blogs were pretty fast, but I guess after years at the keyboard, you become microwave sensitive to the speed and bandwidth. Whenever I went into my blog to make simple changes…everything was just too slow. And everytime I wante to do some type of small CSS related change..well…you had to dig deep. There was a lot of code (PHP) they you just needed to get past the learning curve on. Ahh…The infamous Loop!

I wanted a blog for my Ruby on Rails career, because..I mean…in open source you gotta have a blog right? At my previous gig which was IBM iSeries…well…we never had a blog. EVERYTHING was in the manual! But times have changed. These days many parts of your life and business are an open book to the world, and I suppose you have to play or you must be hiding something.

My ISP account expired in my WP blog, so I decided to go another more simple path. It was right in front of my face…GITHUB..which led me to Jekyll. This is my first post under my new path, and I really like it. And to top it off…I have complete control of my content/data as well as my code. It’s great that under the surface its Ruby which is icing on the cake.

My old ISP wanted $75 to restore my old blog content, and you know based on principle I just could not do it. I decided to start totally fresh. So that’s how we got where we are. Time to go. Happy New Year.

def say_goodbye_wp
puts "Good Bye."
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Blog notes

I wrote on another post Wordpress Death about why I abandoned my previous WP based blog. It was becoming a distraction, not so much the content but rather and administration of wp itself. What do those spammers hope to accomplish anyway. They have moved from your home phone to your home website.

That blog started late 2014 and had lots of Ruby and Rails notes based on my Tealeaf Academy bootcamp experience. My previous hosting provided want $75 to restore my site once I cancelled it but I was not in the mood.

I am going to start fresh here. Rather than notes about ruby hashes or check boxes, I think this time I am going to keep it higher level, and possible blog about …well lets see where it goes.

def say_hello_jekyll
puts "Hello!"