This site is about programming(mostly) things I either do or am learning.
25 Jan 2015 | | wordpress
I think we all were first exposed to blogs via Wordpress. So many templates to choose from, and underneath the fact that everything was stored in a database(mySQL no less) made it seem like genius.
But the problem you come to realize, at least for me, is the constant SPAM
. Each time you go into your admin, it
just seems like that are dozens of messages with nothing but gibberish.
Or my favorite…“Your website is the best I have ever seen, but I can make it ever better!” Just on and on. I think I even PAID some entity to stop the spam…what a ripoff..they are probably sending it.
In addition to that was the speed. Seems in the old days WP blogs were pretty fast, but I guess after years at the keyboard, you become microwave sensitive to the speed and bandwidth. Whenever I went into my blog to make simple changes…everything was just too slow. And everytime I wante to do some type of small CSS related change..well…you had to dig deep. There was a lot of code (PHP) they you just needed to get past the learning curve on. Ahh…The infamous Loop!
I wanted a blog for my Ruby on Rails career, because..I mean…in open source you gotta have a blog right? At my previous gig which was IBM iSeries…well…we never had a blog. EVERYTHING was in the manual! But times have changed. These days many parts of your life and business are an open book to the world, and I suppose you have to play or you must be hiding something.
My ISP account expired in my WP blog, so I decided to go another more simple path. It was right in front of my face…GITHUB..which led me to Jekyll. This is my first post under my new path, and I really like it. And to top it off…I have complete control of my content/data as well as my code. It’s great that under the surface its Ruby which is icing on the cake.
My old ISP wanted $75 to restore my old blog content, and you know based on principle I just could not do it. I decided to start totally fresh. So that’s how we got where we are. Time to go. Happy New Year.
def say_goodbye_wp
puts "Good Bye."