This site is about programming(mostly) things I either do or am learning.
14 Feb 2015 | | rails
“I like tools and going to Home Depot to look at them. Even buy unfortunately.”
Anyone who does Rails is constantly trying out new tools it looks like anyway. I think the fear is…you will go to a job, and they will say..”we only use VIM here!”…or EMACS…well I tried them..and I hate them…but that said I did want to try one of the popular text editors. I use sublime, but now I have switched to Atom…they are about exactly the same but I just like the feel of Atom better.
BUT..I have always used JetBrain products going back to PHPStorm and Webstorm…so I was familiar with them, and the price was the same as what they want for sublime(Atom is free). Of course..we all know..Adobe made the best IDE’s in history..but I guess suffer from marketing!
JetBrains ruby/rails product is Rubymine. I pretty much use it most of the time. I can do everything that Sublime/Atom can do AND more. Here are a few of the things that shine, and I will update this post as I find more.